Important considerations when doing an acetone wash by HeisenbergSpecial

Acetone is a pretty convenient solvent for cleaning random gunk off of meth. It dissolves many different things, especially things that are greasy or smell bad, but it won’t dissolve meth. But everyone always seems to obsess way too much about making sure that the acetone is bone dry first. That’s really not as critical as people make it out to be though, so I figured I’d talk about what’s really important here.First off, there are two grades of acetone that are commercially available: the stuff sold in hardware stores, and the stuff sold in drugstores and beauty salons. Hardware-store shit is not held to very high purity standards at all, and tends to have other chemicals in it, including water. The stuff used for removing nail polish and fake nails is the next grade up though, and as a result, almost always contains less water. If you buy any though, make sure it doesn’t have dye in it and the bottle says “100% acetone” on it. More often than not, there will be some denatonium benzoate in it to make it bitter, but they never use very much. That shit’s expensive. And it doesn’t seem to cause any problems anyway.Now, acetone evaporates really quickly, and that makes it get cold when it’s exposed to air. When something gets cold, water will condense on it from the air, and acetone is no exception. It’s just that when water condenses on acetone, you can’t see it. But the fact that this happens means you have to do an acetone wash pretty quickly to keep water out.If you do acetone washes pretty regularly, you may as well have somewhere to put the used acetone where it can evaporate. Then you can see what’s been dissolving away. It’s usually brown greasy shit, but if you notice crystals in it after some time, it’s possible to reclaim that shit. None of that brown greasy shit should dissolve in water, so use that to selectively dissolve the crystals then pour it off and evaporate.Have fun.
Submitted November 01, 2018 at 07:46AM by HeisenbergSpecial via reddit Stims.

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